Subdomain Configuration

Subdomain Configuration

In this section, we'll dive into configuring subdomains for your homelab services using Terraform and Cloudflare. By defining subdomains and mapping them to the appropriate Cloudflare Tunnel UUIDs, you can easily access your services using user-friendly URLs.

Creating CNAME Records

To create CNAME records for your subdomains, you'll use the cloudflare_record resource in your Terraform configuration. Here's an example of how to create a CNAME record for the "speedtest" subdomain:

resource "cloudflare_record" "speedtest_dns" {
  zone_id = var.cloudflare_zone_id
  name    = var.speedtest_subdomain
  value   = "${var.nuc1_tunnel_uuid}"
  type    = "CNAME"
  proxied = true

In this example, the name attribute is set to the subdomain variable var.speedtest_subdomain, and the value attribute is set to the corresponding tunnel UUID var.nuc1_tunnel_uuid appended with

Make sure to define the necessary variables in your terraform.tfvars file, such as cloudflare_zone_id, speedtest_subdomain, and nuc1_tunnel_uuid.

Configuring WWW Redirects

To provide a better user experience, it's recommended to redirect www subdomains to their non-www counterparts. You can achieve this using the cloudflare_page_rule resource:

resource "cloudflare_page_rule" "www_redirect" {
  zone_id  = var.cloudflare_zone_id
  target   = "www.*.${var.cloudflare_zone_name}/*"
  priority = 1
  status   = "active"
  actions {
    forwarding_url {
      status_code = 301
      url         = "https://$1.${var.cloudflare_zone_name}/$2"

This page rule will redirect any requests to to, ensuring a consistent URL structure.

Mapping Subdomains to Tunnel UUIDs

To map your subdomains to the appropriate Cloudflare Tunnel UUIDs, you'll use variables in your Terraform configuration. Here's an example of how to map the "speedtest" subdomain to the tunnel UUID of "nuc1":

resource "cloudflare_record" "speedtest_dns" {
  # ...
  value   = "${var.nuc1_tunnel_uuid}"
  # ...

Step 1: Define Tunnel UUID Variables

In your terraform.tfvars file, define variables for each tunnel UUID:

nuc1_tunnel_uuid = "012345678abcdefg"
nuc2_tunnel_uuid = "..."

Step 2: Use Tunnel UUID Variables in DNS Records

When creating your DNS records, reference the appropriate tunnel UUID variable:

resource "cloudflare_record" "subdomain_dns" {
  # ...
  value   = "${var.nuc1_tunnel_uuid}"
  # ...

By following this approach, you can easily map subdomains to their corresponding tunnel UUIDs and keep your configuration organized.

Next, let's explore how to optimize caching and performance for your subdomains using Cloudflare rulesets.